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Tweets for 2009-08

  1. Went to the zoo today. Beautiful day, but ended up with a bit of heatstroke. Only now feeling better, amidst the brohaha of Aug 1st firewrks
  2. Weird weather. Yesterday: blistering hot. Today: rained the whole day.
  3. And now, I need to get some work done in preparation for the week.
  4. Where are preferences being stored for an Eclipse app? fseventer to the rescue.
  5. Only now, while trying out BusyMac at @gruber's recommendation, I learned about the "Floating" timezone, which iCal also supports. Damn.
  6. …in reply to @mattgemmell
    @mattgemmell NEXTSTEP 3.3! Awesome. Any VM-configuration tips for running it? (I do have the CDs)
  7. RT @presentationzen: Aug 6, 1945-Never, ever again. Today is Hiroshima memorial. Video repost from my April 09 trip http://snipurl.com/ou172
  8. Hiroshima, 64 years ago - The Big Picture - Boston.com: http://bit.ly/EIFKp
  9. Awesome alt-text on today's xkcd: http://xkcd.com/620/
  10. @vkoser It's great that it arrived in good shape. Enjoy! :-) http://post.ly/1xaT
  11. Follow @Shrdlu for her awesome and detailed #followfriday recommendations.
  12. Upgrade to 10.5.8 went well, no problems so far.
  13. Awesome tool! RT @doctorlinguist: *THIS* is what emulation was made for: total memory control of an emulated Commodore 64 http://is.gd/26sBc
  14. And so starts the pop of the URL shortener bubble :-) RT @geekgrrl: tr.im go bye bye: http://tr.im/w7Bw Guess I'll switch to bit.ly or supr.
  15. …in reply to @paw
    @paw Que tipos de imagenes? A mi me gustan mucho los dibujos de http://www.vladstudio.com/wallpapers/, tiene fotos e ilustraciones
  16. Off to a full day of meetings today.
  17. At a Starbucks in Mexico City, having a Venti "Cajeta" Latte. Yum.
  18. …in reply to @apisanty
    @apisanty No frecuento Starbucks, pero tienen Internet gratis. Y (casi) todo sabe mejor con cajeta :-)
  19. …in reply to @undefined
    @vkoser ~2hr flight to Amsterdam, then ~11hr flight to Mexico City. I'm here for the week. On business, for a change.
  20. …in reply to @undefined
    @Darknater I'll try, but I don't have much free time this week, sadly.
  21. …in reply to @paid
    @paid What's different? Looks & acts the same AFAICT.
  22. Tear-eyed and homesick. Got email from my wife about my 3yo daughter told her today that "it feels different when daddy is at home".
  23. …in reply to @geekgrrl
    @geekgrrl Yes, we chat on Skype almost every day. Still, not the same :-)
  24. Send to Posterous directly from Google Reader http://post.ly/2Dof
  25. Send to Posterous directly from Google Reader http://bit.ly/7H2nW
  26. All meetings done, going to the airport in a bit. I can't wait to be back home.
  27. Landed in zurich
  28. So happy to be back and to see my family. The little one took today her first step on her own! The look of pride on her face was priceless.
  29. …in reply to @elsua
    @elsua Thx for pointer to @mixero, looks nice. Do you get an invite just by following them?
  30. @mixero has a ton of cool stuff, but I just can't get myself used to Air apps. I'm drawn back to Tweetie's simplicity.
  31. Cool - Google streetview is now available for Switzerland. My place is there. And it's a recent photograph too :-)
  32. …in reply to @hypatiadotca
    @hypatiadotca Wow. And it's still full of security holes :-)
  33. Interesting conversation with a botmaster. Infiltrating a Botnet - Cisco Systems : http://bit.ly/2Lrx5i
  34. Looks like b'bye for now to Street View in Switzerland http://bit.ly/2GJdvm
  35. Guy goes backpacking in Europe. Girlfriend forgets, and flips out on him by email. Oops: http://bit.ly/alljH
  36. It includes Flash support now - neat RT @loic: just installed Google Chrome for Mac latest version http://bit.ly/18ieTE
  37. Still now 1Password support for it though :-(
  38. Ordered Snow Leopard, but I doubt I'll get it today.
  39. …in reply to @undefined
    @fraserspeirs Block-based programming?
  40. There's an app for that: http://bit.ly/7qmvh (via @a4agarwal)
  41. …in reply to @lmacvittie
    @lmacvittie Ouch - that's the problem toddlers have: mobility+strength-coordination=frequent accidents. Hope he's fine!
  42. The Goblin Shark, with retractable jaws: http://bit.ly/HENiM
  43. …in reply to @undefined
    @vkoser Indeed! Looks like something out of an Aliens movie :-)
  44. …in reply to @davideisert
    @davideisert You don't have kids, do you? I agreed with you until my daughter was born & I found myself unable to stop talking about her :-)
  45. I know these guys :-) RT @IBMResearch: IBM scientists image the "anatomy" of a molecule for the 1st time - http://tinyurl.com/pentacene
  46. Bummed that I missed dinner at a friend's place today because I got lost and couldn't find the place. Girls were tired, so we went back.
  47. Considering switching my personal email domain to Gmail. Anyone knows how much space you get with Gapps std edition? http://bit.ly/11t13I
  48. …in reply to @guyro
    @guyro Thanks, that's what I expected. I currently have ~7GB in my normal Gmail account, I imagine you get +/- the same for each account?
  49. Just got my copy of Snow Leopard. Itching to install it, but I left my backup disk at home - will have to wait.
  50. …in reply to @undefined
    @vkoser I know, I think I'm getting cautious in my old age