Tweets for 2009-06
Bah. I had planned to go swimming before work, but just realized I have an early meeting :-(
Very nice. RT @fraserspeirs: Ooh: self-hosted version of @github:
Attended the laying-of-the-first stone ceremony (plus free food) of the new nanotech research center.
@ax0n Very much agree with your rant at the end.
@mpb Maybe I'm insensitive, but I don't think that qualifies as animal cruelty - it's nature.
@Shrdlu What was the first one?
Proof that Twitter has really gone mainstream:
Very nice idea. RT @zambonini: Boone Oakley's "website-as-a-youtube-video" is genius -
Oh noes - Diego Zamboni (the italian singer) is again top on Google search for my name Must do something about it!
Playing with the Google Chrome beta for OSX. Feels very fast. I don't care much for flash, but I _do_ need @1Password to support it :-)
Trying to set up my Win VM to participate in a video conference that requires Windows-only software. How painful.
Reading status update slides for a project at work. IN COMIC SANS. Why do people do this?
RT @zambonini: Nice bit of mobile-phone Russian doll design from a Brighton student -
I was expecting an OSX-related link. Nice though :) RT @the_real_r2d2: Mouse stealing from Leopard:
Awesome. See also RT @zefrank: one more HD clip from the kaguya probe :: :: incredible "earth set"
So, the tabs in Safari 4 final have moved off the title bar. I sort of ended up liking them there- probably the old hidden pref still works.
@fraserspeirs Paris? How come you are not at WWDC?
Hrm... no, setting defaults DebugSafari4TabBarIsOnTop to TRUE doesn't work.
@fraserspeirs Nice! Cool school trip. I love Paris.
@1Password I love you. 1) Discover you don't work on Safari 4 final 2) Check updates 3) There it is, a new update adding support.
"iPhone 3G S will launch on June 19th in ... Switzerland" w00t to be in the first group
@digitalfemme Oh yes. I've been holding back from buying one, but this might be it.
Still not pricing announcements for iPhone 3GS on Swisscom nor Orange, though.
@tveskov Very cool. The poster was also awesome:
@Darknater Maybe they'll have some form of upgrade plan?
@bauxring No preorders or pricing information in Switzerland yet.
Just watched Iron Man for the first time, finally. Really enjoyed it.
@librarythingtim Very cool, the collections feature. It even put my "now reading" books in my "Currently reading" collection automatically!
@culturedcode Congrats! Well deserved.
Nice service I learned of today: via
@andrewkhunn Maybe too late to be of use, but anyway:
@davideisert Why not? It's really very dangerous to text or call while driving.
Damn! Second kp of the day. What's wrong with my machine today?
Why is Spotlight indexing my two external disks if I have them both excluded in the prefs?
@davideisert Would you say we cancel drunk-driving laws as well? Would you drive drunk in that straight road?
@davideisert But you will also be penalized if caught drunk driving even if you are not driving recklessly, just because of the huge risk.
@davideisert But what happens when something unexpected (kid, cow, roadkill, drunk driver) happens on your straight road?
@davideisert Yes, but looking is not the problem - is being distracted. I just found this link, which makes the point:
@mattgemmell I sort of like the look of it. Bad thing is it doesn't give you a progress indicator.
@jack Really looking forward to your talk - sadly I won't be able to catch it live, will watch the replay later.
@zambonini Why? What's happening in London today?
WTF? Ran fetchmail -q and my session crashed
@MacFormat Wow, I want one of those. My first HD was 20MB, IIRC
RT @MacFormat: Why you should never put arrows to the edge of your mag's cover:
@Beaker Nice post, takes courage to accept and apologize like that.
@davideisert They're all looking for you to see if you are TWD'ing ;-)
@Beaker Very important lesson, one we often learn the hard way (I know I have)
Almost forgot to start charging my spare battery before I got to an all-afternoon meeting. Done now.
@Shrdlu Guete Morge
Really, stupidity knows no limits RT @almightygod: Texas solves another important problem:
Kernel panic. Reboot, another kp. Getting worried.
Mac came up after 2nd reboot, but it's the 5th crash in 3 days. Time for a clean install?
Amazingly cool video RT @zefrank: if post-it notes could talk :: :: fun stop motion
@davideisert Ice in Guinness? I think that would be considered a death-sentence crime in Ireland. Also: Hmmmm, Guinness
@AlecMuffett Winning quote from comments: "We didn't invent stone knives and axes to harvest broccoli, we invented them to kill animals."
Seems I'm not the only one suffering with 10.5.7 (I've had frequent KPs since the update)
@mattgemmell Just did, thank you very much.
#followfriday Welcoming friends of mine new(ish) to Twitter: @undiu @UZurutuza @triki_bert @XabbuTardis
Background music from "mission impossible" RT @Shrdlu: Attempting to "work" from home today with the kids in the house.
@Shrdlu Also:
@domdingelom Thanks!
More #followfriday: @pilky @domdingelom @myrcurial @davideisert @vkoser @funkatron @zambonini @Documentally @mattgemmell
Interesting, nice idea: iPhone "emergency call mode" (via @mattgemmell)
WTF another kernel panic?!
@domdingelom Bug I guess you've seen the followup too?
@domdingelom s/Bug/But/
w00t I was late but I still grabbed my favorite username on facebook:
Yum, dinner and a movie
So, Opera Unite == running web services on your machine through a nice GUI. Possibly nice, but certainly not new
Also, bring on a whole load of new security problems...
@fraserspeirs The Hit List is also very nice - I have switched from Things to THL.
Lazy Swiss Twitter: if you buy the prepaid iPhone plan from Swisscom, can you use it with any SIM card, or is it bound to Swisscom cards?
Finally, Java security update from Apple:
Funny, the Java update gave an error when installing it from SW update. Had to download and install the package manually.
@fraserspeirs You can also have repeating projects (that's how I scheduled my weekly review, for example)
"Obama [said] it was up to Iranians to choose their leaders" - that's a first, U.S. not going in to "fix" things? Wow
@fraserspeirs They _charge_ people to download the trial version of _your_ software? Wow.
I think I need this sometimes:
Trying to schedule a worldwide virtual conference so that (a) talks are grouped by topics, (b) times are reasonable for speakers. Not easy.
@coyut Even if you buy the prepaid plan?
Finally finished scheduling that conf and making a nice web page with the schedule. Now: sleep
How did they know? The Astounding World of the Future:
@mattgemmell Nice for tea (/me ducks)
Now off to make some real coffee, unlike @mattgemmell's "coffee light"
@studpete I use facebook's "selective twitter update", which only pulls tweets if they are flagged with pound-fb
@vkoser Right. LT is nice because you can query from all sorts of different sources (even Purdue's library, for example). And it's online.
@vkoser You can transfer data between LT and DL, but I'm not sure how reliable the process is (I think it involves CSV export/import)
@Darknater Puedes mandarlo por Twitter? ;-)
@mattgemmell I would second the suggestion of putting it in GitHub (or any other hosting site, e.g. Google Code or even sourceforge)
@andrewsmhay The Talon Swords looks the scariest of the lot IMO, like a gun-loaded weird bug.
@vkoser @RyanAdams I've never been able to reliably scan barcodes with the camera. I much prefer a CueCat scanner, which LT supports nicely.
@RyanAdams They sell them on LT, I've been meaning to get one, but in the meantime I borrow one from a friend.
@RyanAdams I actually got one for free back in the day, but threw it away when I moved - now I regret not having kept it.
OK now, it's more coffee plus intense focus (that means off-Twitter) for a while. BBL.
Setting up recording for an internal conference. I have a newfound respect for people who do podcasts. Recording good audio is tricky!
Very very nice RT @epredator: fanstastic video editing of guitar performance
I love my IS department. I asked today, and they already set me up with a cool brand new VoIP line.
I love The Onion RT @gabvirtualworld: Fun video on dorm fire in USA :
@macdevnet Guard of honour was seen standing in line at the O2 store.
It's really nasty outside, glad I'm indoors.
Just learned that I can get iPhone 3GS through our "Corporate Mobile Network" plan with Swisscom. The pricing is very nice.
Most people don't know, nor particularly care RT @zambonini: [...] 8% of people interviewed knew what a 'browser' was -
@lmacvittie Great post - Opera Unite gives me the shivers.
I'll be off Twitter most of the week, since this week I'm running the internal IBM Academy of Technology Security and Privacy conference.
@jaimico Thanks, it's going well but very work-intensive. Good to see you on Twitter!
@Shrdlu It is quite interesting, but also exhausting. One of the sessions is midnight-3AM local time (problem of a worldwide, virtual conf)
Why does stuff clump together? This week: CCSW paper deadline, AoT SP conf, baby birthday party, my student's last day. Other weeks: nothing
Many fire trucks, ambulances through our street yesterday afternoon. The cause, I found today: fire in a lacquer factory
Importing Quicktime clips into iMovie'09 takes a looooong time. Somehow I would've imagined it to be painless.
(I would say "stupid", but still funny) RT @AlecMuffett: creative:
@lmacvittie Bad morning to you! #rudethursday
@Zyote Indeed. And you HAVE to spend at least a couple of minutes listening to all the instructions (which you've most likely READ already)
iMovie QT import ETA went from "about one hour" to "about 60 minutes". Progress?
RT @rands: Text utility nerdery:
@quine Nice co-workers you have
I want one of these! New MacBook hidden feature:
Doing video editing with iMovie is when I have discovered how powerful my MBP is _not_. I need a big Mac Pro tower.
Lazy twitter: is there some app for doing simple editing of QT files (splitting, cutting, etc.) without going through iMovie?
At the rate things go in iMovie on my machine, it'll take me a month to get all the videos for last week's conference done.
@SifuMoraga Problem is I have the clips in QT already (screen recordings). Import into iMovie takes ages, re-export takes ages again.
@nazgul Can you add titles (e.g. at the beginning of the video) with QT Pro?
According to Swisscom support person, iPhone 3GS stays always SIM-locked, even after the 2-yr contract expires, or if you leave CH. Bummer.
@fraserspeirs You're changing the Prius for a VW?
I'm falling asleep. I should've worked on finishing this paper draft _and then_ watched an episode of House, and not the other way around.
I just took the "Which Content Management System are you?" quiz and got: EMC Documentum! Try it:
So, that thing tweeted without telling me it was going to. BAD.
@twitlonger Tweetie/Mac already has Twitlonger support - and I'd call it "big" :-)
I finally bought mate again, at the Mexican store in Zurich (they do sell Argentinian food as well). Nice.
@twitlonger OK, just checking :-)
@tweetie It would be nice if posting images to Posterous included the tweet text in the post, and not just the image. Also, img rotation.
@SifuMoraga Is it? For me, it's (a) my Argentinian origins, and (b) it's LOADED with caffeine (more than coffee, I think) (c) It looks cool.
I asked, and they gave me access to an Xserve to do my iMovie import/export. 7-min vs 3-hr video import. Did I mention I love my IS people?