Tweets for 2009-05
@rodet What sort of support would you expect? You can run Linux on a Mac, either directly or in a VM.
@rodet Ah, I see now. That would be nice.
@jamie_oliver I think most of the world observes May 1st (except for the U.S.): Labour Day, May Day, etc.
Working on May 1st. Accumulating compensation days for later :-)
@mroesch I've heard good things of and but I haven't use either of them
Post-lunch slump after eating one spinach-and-shrimp pizza and half pineapple-and-ham (both homemade). Everyone's asleep but me and the baby
Weather is crazy. Yesterday was beautiful, now rain. Walking to work.
My 3yo just told me 'i love you' on her own, out of the blue. Heart melting. #fb
git bisect is awesomely useful
My new pet project. Still in progress, but getting there:
I still can't figure out why the highlighted entry moves in @tweetie. But I absolutely love how easy it is to explore conversations & users
@atebits_support Thanks!
@atebits_support I've had colleagues with color blindness who use weird combinations that help them see better. That's one legitimate use.
Two Syrinx features I wish Tweetie had: bookmark (instead of individual read/unread status) & pause
Done with initial scheduling for an internal conference, and some other organizational nastiness. Going home.
Just today I discovered @tweetie's saved searches. Very nicely done, like the rest of it! It even tells me when there are new results.
@vkoser I agree. Tweetie's GUI is really awesome. Very polished, and very usable.
@tweetie makes it so fun that I'm spending more time than ever before in Twitter. And I used to be so productive...
@tweetie Are you planning support for direct display of images from other sources? (posterous, flickr, quicksnapper, skitch come to mind)
@atebits_support Is there a way to search for something just in my timeline in Tweetie/Mac? A filter field would be nice.
Very nice and maybe even useful: RT @geekgrrl: Just introduced my mom to the beauty that is Fake Name Generator:
went swimming before work today for the first time after a long hiatus. Feeling invigorated #fb
@DunKology Count yourself lucky - some of us have young kids who wake up at 6AM every day, including weekends :-)
@atebits_support That's why I keep using tinyurl. Oldie but goodie, and always up.
Just joined a twibe. Visit to join
@atebits_support As of late, I'm often getting "Error..." instead of "Follow/unfollow" in the pop-down menu in user profiles.
@tweetie Is there a kbd shortcut for "Reply" in the DM view? Cmd-R doesn't work, and Cmd-Shift-N doesn't automatically use the current user
I just went looking in delicious for something I had saved in Greader shared items. I should feed one onto the other somehow.
@mpb Haven't looked much at it yet, so I don't know.
@codinghorror BTW, I just saw "Deja Vu" the other day, which has Val Kilmer in it. He's truly unrecognizable from his Top Gun days.
RT @zambonini: Ever wanted to see The Queen and Abraham Lincoln 'get it on'? [...] Russian 'Money makes money' ad
@rodet How do you know? I would assume there are plenty of students on Twitter.
@simX I think it's the @ that throws it off - without it Mail expands the nickname correctly.
Things 1.1.1 looks the same to me, but under the covers likes... Applescript!
@tweetie Is there a way to set posterous username? It automatically created a new posterous blog when I posted a picture.
@tweetie Also, it'd be nice if it posted the tweet's text to posterous together with the image.
@yasir_ibrahim Twitter does automatic URL shortening: (see "Does Twitter allow html in web updates?")
Very nice - I used "Balloon without logo" RT @mattgemmell: Nice replacement @tweetie icons: (via @jsamuelson).
RT @spiralstairs: The best free iPhone app:
QOTD: "If you're like me, you have a $300 iPhone but are no longer able to afford 99c applications" - Ze Frank
RT @brianshaler: Swine Flu media hype alert: Hans Rosling crunched some numbers - 8,000+ articles/death. TB had 0.1/death
@tswicegood You mean in other languages, right? You don't need the 'return' in ruby.
@Shrdlu Celtic black metal - any recommendations?
Trying to finish my things2thl script. It has proven a most useful ruby- and Applescript-learning exercise.
Lifts Off!:
@Shrdlu Listening now to "wooden pints"
I hadn't noticed that now serves YouTube videos. The searchinterface is nicer than the native YouTube one imo.
@Shrdlu Would that be "With trees"? Can't find "into the trees"
@Shrdlu I like them btw - thanks for the recommendation
I have to say, Applescript support in Things 1.1.1 is pretty nice. I'm still giving THL a good try, but that alone might keep me with Things
@vkoser Well, THL already uses SQlite3 for the backend, so from there to MySQL should be easier than from the Things XML file :-)
things2thl is coming along nicely. Now I need some sleep
Started day early to go swimming- pool was too full. I'll try again at lunchtime. In the meantime, it's nice to get to the office this early
@MaxHeadroom Very cool - that will be very useful, thanks.
Having to fix a bug in a C++ program I didn't write. Argh, haven't written C++ in ages.
@vkoser both
Oh boy - heavy rain + hail. Hopefully it will stop before I have to bike home...
@sachac I like LibraryThing better than Goodreads. You can modify/fix your own records, and has many more search databases.
@sachac That's true. I decided on LT because (AFAICT) you can only add to Goodreads things that exist in Amazon.
@studpete I like THL very much. I'm about to release a script to migrate from Things to THL, if you are interested.
@studpete It does, plus it has excellente keyboard control and other nice features. My script uses AS on both Things & THL for the migration
@studpete I definitely will, as soon as it's ready :-)
@thehitlist Will do.
"receiving one-sided fragments via replies sent to folks you don't follow in your timeline is undesirable" Not to me - it's very desirable
@DrScofield That's how it was! They removed the preference and made it fixed.
@angstmann I've been working on a script to migrate. Should be ready soon.
@foamcow I'm working on a script to migrate from Things to THL - should be ready soon, in case you are interested.
@fraserspeirs Bugs in Writing (Lyn Dupré) has good sections on Quotations, Citations and References
@andypotion Ooooh, how had I never discovered rooSwitch before. It's really nice, thanks for the pointer.
@pilky I wonder if _@zzamboni will show up in my mentions tab. Maybe it needs the spaces around it?
@DrScofield Join the rage:
10.5.7 update - there we go
@pilky And of course, now I can't use Tweetie's conversation view on your Tweets (at least I see them). Hope twitter would just change back.
Back from 10.5.7 reboot - so far so good
Safari update requires _another_ reboot? Oh well, it's time for lunch anyway.
Wondering how many possibly-interesting half-conversations I'm missing #fixreplies
RT @Orli Do you agree with Twitter's new @replies policy? #twtpoll
RT @ScottHepburn: OMG! I'm in a bar and can only hear convs between people I know! It's so quiet! This place is lame…I'm leaving #fixreplies
@Darknater #fixreplies
RT: Retweet this if you disagree with Twitter's decision to hide replies to people you don't follow #fixreplies #twitterfail #dumbass
RT @BadAstronomer: RT @astropixie: you can watch atlantis capture hubble today on NASA TV at 12:55 EDT
@bricooke @RooSwitch is very useful for development - I only discovered it today and I'm in love with it already.
@vkoser Good post. BTW, I see three "Greased Lightbox" spinning thingies at the bottom of your post. #fixreplies
Oops, my machine just KP'd. Sorry @vkoser
Lazy twitter: in Ruby, how do I get a ref to a method? e.g. def foo() {'hi'}, how do I assign a ref to foo to var x, so I can do,
. @jonno @charlesarthur not really, because then you lose "in reply to", which breaks e.g. Tweetie's conversation view.
@jonno Really really. I see your tweet in my mentions, but if I double-click it, there's no record of my previous tweet to you.
My things2thl script is not yet complete, but for brave souls who want to give it a try: #things #thehitlist #gtd
@simX Do share!
@tveskov It has worked for me when I have needed it, both for full restores and for individual files.
@lmacvittie What is "so early" for you? My two little ones get up at 6AM sharp every day :-(
Wow, it's incredibly hard to find a kernel src rpm for RHEL 5
@twinfluence Out of the blue, I got a tweet from you. Do you analyze random users and send them their numbers?
LOL @woot's welcome msg "... you don't like it, take it to eBay or pawn it off on one of your so-called friends. We don't want it, either"
RT @iSpeech: When Google falls, it falls hard
Agree with @etherealmind: "hi there people like me". Check out my flock of followers at
Always freaks me out for a split-second when my wireless mouse battery dies - I feel my machine suddenly died. Off to get more batteries.
@domdingelom I'm a big Quicksilver fan - sadly mouse is still needed for many things.
Why offline backups are important: Hackers 'destroy' flight sim site:
Ah, coffee, fresh from my french press. Now I can continue the day.
Upgrading a fresh RHEL5.2 install: Install 10 Package(s); Update 392 Package(s). Long wait ahead.
@Shrdlu Having fun today, are we? :-)
Dear code of mine. Why o why do you stop working at 4PM on a Friday?
@vkoser Happily, I just discovered it wasn't broken - it was a system change that made it stop working. Happy again, still before 5PM :-)
OK, enough damage done for the week. Happy weekend everyone.
I think Twitter has handled quite gracefully "The Replies Kerfuffle" #fixreplies
Kids asleep, finally a moment of calm.
First usable version of things2thl: Still very slow, but mostly feature-complete. #things #thehitlist #gtd
#bajjiliontimes @rands A movie I could watch a bajillion times is: The Day of the Jackal (1973 version)
github is awesome. Lots of functionality, very easy to use.
Trying out Twitter in Adium. Seems nice, but in terms of looks nothing can beat Tweetie yet.
BTW, Twitter support (also IRC) only exists in the Adium 1.4beta:
@Shrdlu LOL How true.
@Shrdlu Also very true:
@Shrdlu Wow, that whole comic seems to narrate my life. Sort of like PHD back when I was in grad school.
@SifuMoraga Nervous? Probably you more than him :-)
things2thl - migrate from Things to The Hit List
@jephjacques Connect the borked computer in Firewire Target mode to the other one, run the combo updater there, with brkn machine as target
.@zambonini If you put and together, you get a matter/anti-matter reaction
Damn - I just got my twitterfone invite, and today I forgot my cell phone at home :-(
LOL RT @Shrdlu: OMG, SO TRUE: -- tired of having an audience when I take a dump.
I've been browsing @commandlinefu for 10 minutes, and I've already learned a couple of new tricks.
@thehitlist @andypotion It's out now:
things2thl 0.5.0, now with time-tag support, many other improvements: #things #thehitlist #gtd
How can astronauts focus on their work? I'd spend all the time looking at the view
@mattgemmell Hm... coffee. Just poured myself a new one, thanks for the reminder.
@jaredmcfarland Just in case you find it useful for the switch:
@M3nt0r In case you find it useful for the switch:
@kaelig You might find this useful for the switch:
@Shrdlu You reminded me of (see 13 & 14)
@kaelig Oops. Well, it was only released yesterday :-)
@jeffrkilpatrick Thinking Rock supports them:
@andypotion Stop teasing us - looking forward to what the "massive changes" may bring.
I've been sleeping too little with all the tinkering with things2thl. Bed time now.
Spreading the word (please RT) Why Oprah must not support McCarthy
Just tried the Pzizz "quick energizer" free sample. It was actually a very good 15-minute nap.
Timeout Twitterfone. I just got my invite and signed out.
@zzamboni Seems voice recognition is not all that good. Timeout = "Trying out", "signed out" = "signed up"
This is indeed how it works. PHD Comics: Science News Cycle:
@vkoser Hopefully closed, then burnt to the ground. That stuff is awful.
Twitter rule 28: If you ask me to RT to boost your follower numbers, I'm unfollowing you. Why do you care so much about number of followers?
@joe_carney no. No. NO.
@studpete Have you added it to
@joe_carney I find them incredibly annoying - almost cause for immediate unfollowing.
@studpete Thanks - I just released a new version, which now converts notes properly as well :-)
Cute idea, well done RT @zambonini: RunPee may be genius- specific points in films when it's best for you to go to the loo
It's a beautiful day outside. Out with the kids.
things2thl 0.7- new mode of operation (-B), better notes transfer, much more: http:// #things #thehitlist
Now: sleep, sweet sleep.
Watching another awesome NASA video. The separation (~ 2:21) is breathtaking. YouTube - STS 125 SRB Camera Replay: #fb
Cool-I watched it as a kid,have the DVDs RT @Zyote: sweet.why didn't anyone tell me ABC is remaking 'V'! looks awesome-
It's full of xkcd, as expected. RT @studpete: 25 Best Programmer Comics
The Hit List learns dynamically which keys you use to select each item in the file (f) and go-to (g) operations. Very sweet #thehitlist #gtd
I did my final, production-environment migration of Things to The Hit List, using things2thl #things #gtd #thehitlist
Cmd I used: things2thl -B --areas-top-level=Areas --projects-top-level=Projects --time-tags --context-tags 'home|office|errand|waiting for'
@Darknater What caused it? What happens when you try to boot from the DVD?
@Darknater I was going to suggest that. You could try installing the latest combo updater, that usually fixes things.
@Darknater Are you sure it's trying to boot from the DVD? (i.e. are you holding down the C key while booting?)
@biomac101 re: area -> context. Nice suggestion. I'll implement it. I don't understand your second q. What would migrate multiple times?
@kamal In case you need to migrate some data:
@mephisto_bbs I see now. Yes, it will create multiple entries. Interesting possi... Read More:
I just used @twitlonger for the first time - tweetie makes it very easy.
@mephisto_bbs Glad you've found it useful. Thanks for the feedback and the ideas.
Thinking I should start using LittleSnapper. Looks very nice and I got the license with the MacHeist bundle.
Doing my first weekly review since I switched to The Hit List. Putting smart folders, nested tasks and keyboard shortcuts to good use.
Whoa. Thunderstorm. Hopefully gone before I have to bike home.
Shuttle landing: "weather is real moist, unstable, and officially "no go" due to thunderstorms" Next attempt tomorrow
@Darknater Will certainly do. Also, the Air and Space museum is one of my all-time favorite museums.
The animated banner at is hilarious.
@atxPOWERgeek Where are you going now?
Views in @thehitlist remember their state (position, sort-by status, etc.). Excellent. They don't remember filter selection though.
I want to continue coding, but I am so tired... I think I must sleep now.
Just came back from the newly-opened Zurich Apple Store. Awesome to finally have one nearby. So much stuff, so little money :-)
@Documentally I don't. My posterous autoposts to my blog, which autotweets on new posts.
I'm moving all my opensource projects to @github. It was good while it lasted, @sourceforge and
So hot today - awesome summer day.
@culturedcode Great video, guys
things2thl v0.8.1: --inbox, --sync, --areas-as-tags, --areas-as-contexts. Thanks @mephisto_bbs for feature suggestions.
@ctrloptcmd Have you seen this?
@ctrloptcmd I'm considering adding a GUI around my script, to make it easier to use.
@doctorlinguist github
Wow - big scary storm all of a sudden, the sky is almost dark and it's only 3PM. This morning was so hot, I'm wearing shorts & t-shirt
Having to emergency-reassign reviews because one reviewer did not submit any of his assigned reviews, even after a reminder. Grrrrrr.
I'm in love with @thehitlist's keyboard navigation features. Makes everything so fast.
Learning MacRuby
In an all-day class today and tomorrow called "Shaping your future"