Tweets for 2009-03
Back online after a month of vacation (wohoo!) and a total machine failure (motherboard died).
@ikawnoclast thx. My machine died 4 days into the vacation, so I was really disconnected. Nice for relaxing, but lots of catch-up to do now
Oh wow. There must be about 5000 unread items in my Greader.
@PaulDJohnston Imagine the feeling after a month off twitter (just came back from vacation)
My MBP's motherboard died while I was traveling. Yesterday I swapped its disk with another machine. They were both already out of warranty.
Installed Safari 4 beta last night - I'm liking it so far. The top sites view is neat, and it does feel faster than Safari 3
Anyone knows how to properly unmount both a Sony Ericsson phone AND its mem card from a Mac? It only unmounts one, the other is stuck
@vkoser that would work... ;-)
Does the Messenger client for Mac support video chat? Is there any client that supports it?
@vkoser Certainly there will be a few 3rd-party headphones with the controls built in. But sucks that you need special headphones to use it
@Shrdlu That is so true: every child is different. My 3-yr-old still wakes up during the night...
@davehull I'd love to know how
@SifuMoraga yes. umount -f does the trick. But it feels clunky.
@davehull Right. I've been told that before (and I know it's true), but I'm not sure how to teach it.
@davehull Any particular techniques that you have used?
@davehull We tried that for a while (~2 weeks) when she was younger, but the crying never got significantly better, and we gave up.
@davehull And now she's 3 and able to get off her bed and go to our room by herself, so it wouldn't work.
@davehull I've seen it suggested to lock her door, but that honestly seems cruel.
@Shrdlu That's what we are mostly doing at the moment. We've taught the oldest to just go to our room instead of screaming, and she does it
@zzamboni the youngest still sleeps in our room, so that's what has given us best results - everyone rests better
@Shrdlu Fully agree
@MrRooni I bought a 1TB Western Digital MyBook, Studio Edition. It has worked very well.
Whoops - 3GB free on my 160GB disk. Time to do something about it
Interesting page I had never seen:
burn a dvd + restore a VMware VM from sleep = not a good combination
Long time no see! Short update.
@security4all Corollary to rule #1: make sure the laptop is actually getting power (e.g. outlet is not dead - this happened to me once)
@PurpleCar It means reviewers don't get to see author names when choosing or reviewing, and authors don't know who reviewed their paper.
Want: Sadly not available in Switzerland yet
@andysc Your twitter icon reminded me of
@andysc Really? Awesome - never thought of using it as a ringtone
@latone Thanks! Maybe I'll take you up on the offer - I'll let you know later.
Is reaaaally slow lately (last few days) for everyone, or is it just me?
@alexhutton @Shrdlu Exactly what I thought as well. Mashed carrots and sweet potatoes = my baby daughter's favorite food at the moment :-)
Speaking of which: lunch time!
@DocDamo But no Mac version yet. Booo.
@DocDamo True. I'm grateful for that every single day :-)
@gattaca Last tweet: 23 minutes ago. Are you still conscious/alive/free?
@msmithpds Hi - I'm from Mexico, living in Switzerland.
RT @msmithpds Please reply where you are from. Using data to present how global Twitter is to board members.
- - My latest GTD gadget - bending the 2min rule to 3min. Problem: you can't reset an hourglass if you finish bef ...
@andysc Thanks for the idea. My new ring tone:
The cartridge of my space pen finally died, after ~2 years of continuous use. Happily, I had a replacement at hand.
@rodet I've always found it funny that we set our goals in March and evaluate them in October - a 6-month "year" :-)
I'm feeling strangely productive today. Must be the coffee ;-)
@rodet I know ;-) It's the same for me, but the set/evaluate meeting dates make it look strange
@andysc Congrats to her. What is the degree she is getting?
@chrisjager "Mark all as read" FTW
Doing initial prep work for internal security conference. Setting up web pages, inviting PC members, etc.
Also - reviewing very first (pre-alpha) draft of a paper about some of the work we've been doing using VM introspection for security.
Feels good to finish a well-overdue weekly review. Going home for lunch as reward :)
OpenOffice 3.0 shows fonts all squashed when I have my external monitor in portrait (rotated) mode. In landscape, or without it, works fine
@SifuMoraga I'm using 3.0.1, and this happens consistently. I still prefer NeoOffice.
@SifuMoraga BTW, your Twitter icon is broken
@SifuMoraga Hrm... Syrinx still shows it empty, even after a restart - must be cached somewhere.
Trying @evernote for the first time. Locked up my machine when capturing a screenshot (dual monitor, one in portrait mode). Not nice.
Upon restarting, it _did_ capture the screen, though.
@Beaker Before you leave for France - I'm wondering if you got an email I sent you a couple of days ago, inviting you to Zurich
@Beaker Will you have time to sightsee? Mont St. Michel is not too far away, and it's a great place to visit
@Beaker That's great! Thanks!
@Shrdlu Bwahaha - will do
@Shrdlu Hm.. I don't know that one.
If you have a baby, read this: It's an important cautionary tale, don't let it happen to you (via Schneier's blog)
Warning: it may make you cry. I was in tears just reading some of the stories.
@Scobleizer Congratulations on the new baby!
We bought our daughter's first bike today. Pink, of course.
@sacbert Suena increible, pero pasa, desafortunadamente. Que edad tiene tu niña? Yo tengo dos, 3 años y 8 meses.
@sacbert Y que milagro! Me dio gusto que me encontraras en Twitter. Cómo te va?
Beautiful day outside - just finished doing spring cleaning in the terrace.
On the ferry crossing lake Zurich. Nice view, but still cooold.
OK, this is weird: my Mac just started opening PDFs with QuickTime Player. When I hit "Play", it goes really fast through the pages. WTF
Just configured my home network to use Looks very nice so far.
@SifuMoraga Just testing it for now - seems to work fine. What are the disadvantages?
@SifuMoraga I guess it would be no more SPF than my ISP's web servers. The filtering and so might be a nice service.
@SifuMoraga Maybe some privacy issues with their proxy service (e.g. automatically send things to a search engine), but that can be disabled
@geekgrrl It's probably a launchd agent or daemon. Easiest way to look at it: use Lingon
@geekgrrl Indeed: (search for "launchd")
Weather is crazy today: rain. sun. snow. sun. hail. snow. sun. And now it's cloudy again. WTF.
@hotdogsladies She is so cute. And this comment you wrote is great:
@cerias Wishing I was there #cerias
Agh my eyes hurt RT @nematome Website design FAIL!
@MRRSoftware I just did - it tells me I'm up to date (1.3.1)
@MRRSoftware never mind, found the Beta page. Getting it now
@MRRSoftware Thx - reading the list of new features, looks very very nice
@MRRSoftware I've been away from Twitter - somehow I had completely missed the Syrinx beta. Using 2.0b5 now, looks/feels very nice
@MRRSoftware All the new Tweet commands are great. I'd been wishing for something like Mail's Cmd-click to open links in background
@Beaker So you _do_ have twitter access in Jersey after all :-)
I knew it! RT @almightygod: Mac (Reply to "Do you use divine packet data,or an actual computer? If a computer, what brand does G-d prefer?")
Just added myself to the twitter directory under: #security #virtualization #mac
@Beaker Bentleys - wooha!'
Lazy Tweeter: is it possible to "deactivate" an account in's preferences _without_ deleting it?
@MRRSoftware Duh. How did I miss that? I need more coffee. Thanks! :-)
Beautiful photo:
@Beaker Living in Switzerland, I can attest to the gurgling noises ;-) But being Swiss, I would expect him to speak English as well
@Beaker LOL The wonders of technology!
Oops - I was just about to leave when I realized I still have another conf call.. sigh
Obscure useful Mac app of the day: Menuola ( Shows a single-letter menu, to maximize space for menubar icons.
@domdingelom FileZilla:
@domdingelom sorry, I thought you were looking for a client
@domdingelom for server, I have no idea
@domdingelom Cool! (re: FileZilla server) I didn't know either :-)
RT @rmogull: All you bloggers who obsess about numbers need to read this:
@catalyst Love the challenge - I just posted my submission
My oldest daughter has chickenpox. It's going to be a long night. And the youngest will certainly get it in a few days....
The night and today were better than expected. Not too much fever nor itching, but many more red spots. Off to see her pediatrician tomorrow
@Shrdlu I also had it older (7 yr old), and remember it mostly as a vacation from school.
@Shrdlu Also - are you ALWAYS on Twitter? ;-)
Wife: let me check those red spots you have. 3-yr-old daughter: "NO! They are mine!" Good thing she's taking it in stride so far.
I'm so used to my external monitor always in portrait mode, it now looks really weird in landscape mode (preparing a presentation)
Strange - NeoOffice 3.0 (based on OO3.0.1) doesn't have the font-squashing problem that OO3.0.1 has. I guess I'm still staying with NO.
@SifuMoraga For me, with my external monitor in portrait mode, fonts look all squished. Doesn't happen in landscape mode.
@davideisert ????
@davideisert Ah - sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you :-)
@andrewsmhay Speaking of horrible people in this world:
@Shrdlu Also, the arm and leg flailing while asleep is scary - nothing like being awoken by a kick in the face