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Tweets for 2008-12

  1. Morning. The girls have taken to waking up at 5:30 am lately. Watching Top Gear's top moments http://tinyurl.com/6ade79 to wake up
  2. BTW, my wife's Powerbook surgery was tricky but successful. It now has a 250GB hard disk, instead of the old 80GB.
  3. Attending a phone conf while taking care of my daughter. It's like rope walking while trying to juggle a cat.
  4. Made some very satisfying progress on http://grabcartoons.sourceforge.net/ last night. New release coming soon.
  5. …in reply to @undefined
    @vkoser Indeed. Luckily my teammates can cover most of what I would need to say, so I've spent the whole call on mute so far.
  6. Just finished loading the digital picture frame I got as a birthday gift. It's really nice, actually.
  7. Checking out the 2.7 dashboard in wordpress.com. Looks nice.
  8. git svn is seriously cool
  9. Using automator to download desktop pictures (howto) http://tinyurl.com/6afowx
  10. Grabcartoons 2.4 http://tinyurl.com/57husw
  11. …in reply to @alexhutton
    @alexhutton I know the feeling all too well. Sickness ping-pong in full blast at home.
  12. Finally adding more books to my LibraryThing catalog. Took some photos of my bookshelves, working from there.
  13. It was a productive night of Cocoa coding and LibraryThing fiddling. Off to bed.
  14. WILTAC #5: zero is a special case http://tinyurl.com/5l2lw6
  15. Lazy Twitter: how do I export an iTunes playlist to disk (e.g. copy the mp3s to a folder)? Drag-and-drop to the Finder does not work.
  16. …in reply to @zzamboni
    @zzamboni This seems to do what I want: http://ilari.scheinin.fidisk.fi/itunemywalkman/
  17. …in reply to @tswicegood
    @tswicegood In case you hadn't seen it, my review of your book: http://tinyurl.com/5jmtua . Thanks for introducing me to git.
  18. …in reply to @Zyote
    @Zyote I'm baffled - how do you do that?
  19. Faster version of “Clean downloads stack” http://tinyurl.com/5r8b3p
  20. It's snowing abundantly. The bike ride home (downhill) will be interesting.
  21. …in reply to @undefined
    @Shrdlu I work in Rüschlikon, and live in Adliswil (which is down the hill from Rüschlikon, away from the lake)
  22. I finally decided to reinstall my Mac today, to see if I can get rid of the kernel panics. Restored from TM, everything looks good so far.
  23. About to do my third update-related reboot (updating from stock 10.5).
  24. Finally, reinstall fully finished, everything seems to be back up and working
  25. Damn. The reinstall did NOT fix the kernel panics when disconnecting my cell phone from the machine. Just had another one. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  26. …in reply to @BadAstronomer
    @BadAstronomer Seen this? "Some people were convinced the fire was caused by what may have been a meteorite" Nothing confirmed though
  27. Awesome: http://www.sonypictures.net/movies/terminatorsalvation/poster.html
  28. …in reply to @BadAstronomer
    @BadAstronomer Good - and you got what I was talking about even though (I just noticed) I failed to include the link :-)
  29. Trying to install OSX in my new 4GB USB stick, following http://tinyurl.com/6mogbx
  30. Wordpress 2.7 http://tinyurl.com/6nx4hd
  31. Watched "Night at the museum". I kept thinking Dick van Dyke would break into "Step in time" at any moment.
  32. http://twitpic.com/tkp6 - The view from my office. Quite a snowfall today.
  33. I love git. I was able to recover a git stash I accidentally dropped. Saved me an hour of work. How to do it: http://tinyurl.com/4r2mjl
  34. …in reply to @andysc
    @andysc Yum. My favorite breakfast. If you are ever in Mexico City, don't miss El Moro (review: http://tinyurl.com/a2wh3w )
  35. Merry Christmas everybody!
  36. Things 1.0 RC2 - very very nice, lots of improvements
  37. Happy New Year! http://tinyurl.com/9a8jpp