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Tweets for 2008-11

  1. Links: Commodore BASIC as a Scripting Language for UNIX and Windows - now Open Source http://tinyurl.com/55buph
  2. How to display random header images in a Wordpress theme http://tinyurl.com/6kqchc
  3. …in reply to @VMwareFusion
    @VMwareFusion Now that you ask, I'd like to make a FW disk (WD MyBook) visible, not as a shared folder, but as a device, so I can format it
  4. Links: Diego Zamboni - ACM author profile page http://tinyurl.com/675dr3
  5. …in reply to @VMwareFusion
    @VMwareFusion I want to format as NTFS, and want to do it from Windows, not NTFS-3G on the Mac, for testing purposes
  6. …in reply to @SifuMoraga
    @SifuMoraga I wouldn't. When I tried OO3, I had tons of problems. Squashed fonts, rendering issues, crashes.
  7. …in reply to @mattgemmell
    @mattgemmell Re: LCC, does it still disable Growl notifications? http://tinyurl.com/2m2hlj
  8. Links: Disabling Quit and rewriting keyboard shortcuts http://tinyurl.com/6hphu4
  9. …in reply to @boredzo
    @boredzo Thx. I haven't upgraded LCC in a while because of this, I will try a new version soon
  10. To all my American friends: this is it. Go out and elect Obama today, OK? Thanks.
  11. …in reply to @al3x
    @al3x Thanks for the pointer to Emacs --with-ns, which is indeed Cocoa. I had been using Carbon Emacs before.
  12. Well done my friends! Good choice in voting for Obama.
  13. Obama won! http://tinyurl.com/624878
  14. …in reply to @undefined
    @Shrdlu Beautiful indeed. Happy that you won't have to move back to Zurich ;-) But come visit any day.
  15. …in reply to @ax0n
    @ax0n @mckeay @innismir Wow, it's every 90 days here and I still think it's too often.
  16. I'm still reflexively typing "svn" when I want to type "git". I need more time.
  17. Like Cocoa Emacs http://tinyurl.com/y7mns7 but dislike the icon? Replace it with one from here: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsIcons
  18. I used the last one (the one without the shading)
  19. Links: EmacsWiki: Mac OSTweaks http://tinyurl.com/6dw7re
  20. …in reply to @njames
    @njames The author who played Palmer thinks he did help: http://tinyurl.com/5r6sxy
  21. I love my external rotatable monitor. Working in portrait mode is much better for a lot of things
  22. …in reply to @myrcurial
    @myrcurial Congrats to your son! Normally I'd say "he's a little boy", but since my oldest is 2.5, I think "what a big boy". Perspective.
  23. Finished prez for a project review I have later today. Next up: lunch!
  24. Has anyone tried EventBox? It looks quite nice.
  25. Links: YouTube - "Star Wars" - an a capella tribute to John Williams http://tinyurl.com/5o3a5k
  26. Dear laptop: you are a new machine, with lots of memory. Why do you take so long to start my session?
  27. …in reply to @davideisert
    @davideisert Right. LIke anyone's going to believe your excuse after that Panera tweet ;-)
  28. …in reply to @macdevnet
    @macdevnet Cool :-)
  29. Yes! I'm back at the top of Google results for "Diego Zamboni". It's always a battle with my namesake Italian singer.
  30. …in reply to @davideisert
    @davideisert At the moment, while rocking my baby daughter to sleep at night, a bit on my bike ride to work.
  31. I did not know this: U.S. president-elect Barack Obama delivered his acceptance speech from behind 2 inches of bulletproof glass (wikipedia)
  32. …in reply to @ax0n
    @ax0n True, although I was comparing my 10min ride with @davideisert's 1hr drive
  33. Links: The Mac Developer Network Book Review: Pragmatic Version Control Using Git http://tinyurl.com/5tcp57
  34. Intense Debate http://tinyurl.com/6s9h78
  35. …in reply to @chrisjager
    @chrisjager A long time ago I use ifile http://people.csail.mit.edu/jrennie/ifile/ but I don't think it's being developed anymore
  36. …in reply to @njames
    @njames Sadly I'm not related. Maybe I would have less financial worries if I were ;-)
  37. @alecmuffet Does Bruce still have a web page somewhere? Used to be at www.sun.com/software/communitysource/senss/ but that's gone
  38. Links: Weekend Watching: Merlin Mann on Maximizing Your Time http://tinyurl.com/6ngych
  39. WILTAC #4: Undo http://tinyurl.com/5bw34k
  40. Linky no more http://tinyurl.com/6382ae
  41. Quote of the day: "I sleep like a baby - I wake up crying every two hours". I can so relate.
  42. …in reply to @davideisert
    @davideisert Which email client do you use that timed out? That sucks. If you use FF, for next time: http://prismicspiral.com/scribe/
  43. …in reply to @davideisert
    @davideisert That, or avoid web-based clients ;-)
  44. http://twitpic.com/mvcl - From the corner of my desk
  45. …in reply to @tgardner
    @tgardner turducken?
  46. …in reply to @codinghorror
    @codinghorror I read a lot of bear-attack preparation is getting people to realize they look cuddly, they are not cuddly.
  47. Just back from lunch at home - today was our youngest's first "solid" meal (apple puree - not _that_ solid), so I went home for the occasion
  48. …in reply to @MRRSoftware
    @MRRSoftware 2.4GHz. The faster, the better. I would go for a MBP actually.
  49. Is LinkedIn acting up for everyone, or just me? It is at random not letting me send messages, telling me I'm not connected to people, etc.
  50. …in reply to @undefined
    @GorillaMonk You mean something like http://hashtags.org/ ? Twitter does not support channels by itself.
  51. …in reply to @undefined
    @GorillaMonk :-) My pleasure
  52. To all my American friends: Happy Thanksgiving! I'll celebrate by not having any conference calls with the U.S. for the rest of the week :)
  53. How do people keep up with Twitter and work at the same time? Oh... maybe they don't. I have to turn Twitter off if I want to get work done.
  54. …in reply to @MRRSoftware
    @MRRSoftware I guess you want to buy one of the new-model MacBooks, but if you don't, this looks like a good deal: http://tinyurl.com/29pct2
  55. I want Emacs --with-ns so it's Cocoa, but in a complete pre-configured package like Carbon Emacs. Staying with CE for now because I'm lazy.
  56. I've been staying up late reading Hillegass' Cocoa book. And then wondering the next day why I'm so tired.
  57. …in reply to @undefined
    @vkoser Saw Hancock the other day. Entertaining (like most Will Smith movies) but not good IMO.
  58. …in reply to @SifuMoraga
    @SifuMoraga Looks good to me - maybe you have some ad-blocking that is messing things up?
  59. New 250GB disk for my wife's Powerbook arrived today. I will install it during the weekend.
  60. …in reply to @undefined
    @adhm Carbon Emacs comes with a lot of preinstalled stuff (both lisp pkgs and Mac-specific tweaks) that don't come by default with Emacs...
  61. …in reply to @undefined
    @adhm ...and which I would have to recreate/reinstall by hand on my build of Cocoa Emacs. I'm not that much of an Emacs wizard, I'm afraid
  62. Powerbook surgery this weekend. I have the instructions, I have the tools, I hope I have the steady hand I need.
  63. …in reply to @boredzo
    @boredzo Missing context, but what's wrong with it? If it's The Empire Strikes Back, it's correct, it's Ep. V
  64. Happy Thanksgiving aftermath to everyone in the U.S. Hope you stuffed yourselves silly with turkey last night.
  65. …in reply to @boredzo
    @boredzo I'm pretty sure it always was Episode V. According to wikipedia, only the first movie didn't say "Episode IV" at the beginning
  66. …in reply to @boredzo
    @boredzo See http://tinyurl.com/2sxnfo
  67. Booting from an external DVD drive using Firewire Target Disk Mode http://tinyurl.com/5echda