Tweets for 2008-10
just getting into the office, starting late
@gabvirtualworld Why?
Getting increasingly frustrated trying to configure Gmail/IMAP on my SE K800i. I can get email, but I cannot send anything. SSL/TLS errors.
@vkoser Nice - is that your car?
The Google timeline. Interesting, and very nicely done:
Cleaning up "foo's recommendations" feeds left behind in Greader by my brief brush with Feedly. Feedly's gone forever now.
@feedly Thanks - actually I think it's very neat, but it doesn't fit the way I read my news.
Interesting tidbit: Paul Rand, designer of the NeXT logo, also designed Eye-Bee-M, still included in IBM machines:
My machine gets sooooo sloooooow when I run Windows in VMware Fusion...
Lunch time! Hopefully my machine will be done by the time I get back
@vkoser MacBook Pro with 2GB of RAM. I think it's the memory that's killing me.
@vkoser That would be very nice - I'll have to see if it's possible to convince my manager that I actually need it :-)
Trying the LimeChat IRC client. I'm annoyed by Colloquy's bugs/lack of updates, there aren't many decent IRC apps for OSX. Any suggestions?
git blame is very cool
Just saw a very serious old lady, with an umbrella that said 'merde, il pleu' :-)
@ids That would be so easy to abuse for nasty practical jokes...
@1Password With 2.8.3.Beta-13, I'm still not seeing data in the web browser (Safari). How do I regenerate the .html file after upgrading?
@tarasis It's a simple threshold: < 30 chars -> post as is, 30+ chars -> tinyurl. See
I'm starting to put more content into I use it for my "now reading" list in my blog:
LibraryThing vs aNobii vs Shelfari vs Goodreads - thoughts? LT seems the most populated, Shelfari and GR have nicer UIs
Leaving early to pick up my car at the garage. Of course, since today I don't have a car, it's been raining all day.
At the merry-go-round in zurich
So many meetings today, not too much time to do real work.
I always thought those special buttons on newish keyboards were useless, but I actually use them quite a lot, especially for audio control.
@Shrdlu At the Rathausbrücke, here:
@Shrdlu I don't think it's there all the time, but I don't know the criteria. It was nice weather yesterday, my daughter enjoyed it.
@RyanSwagar What did it say?
Off to another meeting. Grrrrrr
@innismir What a low-key announcement of something so big. Congrats!
@lmacvittie On both counts (intro/fun), it also depends on the audience and setting. e.g. intro slide might be good for suits-only audience.
I just installed the WPtouch plugin on my site. If you have an iPhone, check it out: let me know if it looks OK
@vkoser - Great - thanks for trying it out :-)
@MRRSoftware any news about that fix for the multiplicate tweets? Today I had one repeated 9 times after coming back from pause.
I have to trim my login items, my session takes forever to start
Has anyone else been getting frequent kernel panics since 10.5.5? I'm getting them at least 2-3 per week.
@Securethinking I think I need a follow so I can DM you :-)
@Securethinking btw, I would love a copy of the book if there are still any left.
Just placed the order for 4GB of RAM for my MBP
@datenkeller Thx - must be something I have installed.
@joelsnyder I hadn't even looked at mem prices in so long, i was surprised how cheap it is. Thx for the prod
@PurpleCar Funny picture (the trains) and funny anecdote. Until recently, for my 2.5-yr-old all women were "mommy" and all men were "daddy"
I'm really loving LibraryThing. Slowly but surely populating my library:
And with that, it's time to close transmissions for tonight.
Platypus is a very cool Mac utility
Damn - no internet connectivity all morning at work. I feel crippled.
w00t network is back - for now
@andysc Nice interview - I didn't know about @andy_house, interesting project.
@jth So you do GSD instead of GTD? :-)
Trying Stainless as my browser for a while. It does feel more responsive, no more hanging while another tab loads.
WILTAC #1: invoking methods on nil in Objective-C
WILTAC #2: Designated initializers
@tarasis Congratulations on the anniversary!
Uninstalled VMware Fusion to see if the kernel panics stop.
Another kernel panic!? This is getting very annoying
I'm starting to wonder if I have a hardware problem - the KPs are seemingly random. I'll test if they continue when new memory arrives
Finishing Friday early. Happy weekend everyone.
Easy video conversion in Mac OS X
Wooha - Left Syrinx running since yesterday afternoon - 281 new tweets (and that's only while my machine has been awake)
Just made pancake batter in advance for tomorrow morning
...while watching Back to the Future II. Nice relaxing time.
I think I may be a bit out of date - I just watched Ep. 1 of Season 1 of House M.D. I liked it, my wife liked it.
@Shrdlu It's worked fine for me since the beginning. What problems did you hear? The Genius playlist generator is actually a nice feature.
gathering up the courage to call my insurance company to renegotiate car insurance policy. I hate dealing with insurance companies.
@girlinblack Come on, tell us what you really think :-) Something like this?
@juliaroy I'd like a Strands invite if you still have any. Thanks!
w00t Syrinx 1.3
@MRRSoftware Conversation button not working properly in Syrinx 1.3 - sent you email
@sgaw Oooh - I just now saw how the "Conversation" button works - if you have the replied-to tweet in your list. It doesn't work if it's not
@sgaw If the tweet is not on your list (e.g. you don't follow the replied-to person), you get sent to a broken URL
@fraserspeirs Enjoy the opportunity. Me? I was up at 5:00 this morning. The older one with an upset stomach. Not pretty.
@Shrdlu Something like that. And of course, she was up, we were up, the little one woke up, and no one slept after that.
Trying OpenOffice 3.0
Ugh. Ugly. Imported .ppt file, and OO reformatted it in portrait mode and messed up and squashed the fonts
Importing .doc file - fonts also squashed, page layout wrong. I don't think OO3.0 is replacing NeoOffice yet.
@MRRSoftware Nice release, thanks! The conversation viewer is very nice - when all the tweets are in the current view.
@funkatron It's a good book, I'm reading the PDF version now
Links: Apple - MacBook design video
Good morning Twitter. Happily we have nice weather today in Zurich - I'm about to bike to my office.
@macdevnet How do you keep things synchronized? Not having to worry about sync is an advantages of using a laptop as your main machine
@iWork For some value of "forever". I have a MBP from ~Sep. 2007 and it came with a remote.
@mckeay Good one. I LOLed with the little girl's voice at the end of the ad.
@DrScofield Sorry to hear about your friend. My condolences.
Reading source code, some by me, some by others, trying to produce a description of the algorithm in English so I can think about it
@IBMResearch Funny, I got through my local communications people a request from you asking about IBMers who blog. Responded already.
Finally sitting down to read some more about Cocoa programming
@davideisert That's the Finder's way of authenticating you (a la "sudo") when you need additional privileges for certain operations.
@davideisert What are you deleting? It should only happen when you try to modify system files (or files you don't own).
That shouldn't happen, not for files you own. Maybe the ownership of the files got changed somehow?
@davideisert You could look at the files on the command line to see the permissions.
@vkoser What does your tattoo say? BBOR?
On a whim, I set my desktop icons to 112x112. On my 1200x1600 (portrait) monitor, they actually look nice. I really should be working.
Also, hardware test on my machine reports one error: 4VDC/1/40000003: VideoController. I wonder if that explains the recent kernel panics
MacFusion is very cool
vm_log( .., "\terror message: %s." ... for a moment I thought "terror message?"
@lmacvittie Oh boy - fun times ahead. I remember a friend of mine said "enjoy immobility while it lasts". How right he was.
@datenkeller I still have one of those as well! 20GB disk (2nd gen I think). Even battery life is still quite good.
- - How many mounted disks are too many?
@zrlram Wow. My Schwyzerduutsch has gotten better, but that's still beyond my reach. Something about smoke-free places?
@IBMResearch Gray, dark and wet It hasn't stopped raining since last night.
@zrlram I found some refs to OLMA but I couldn't figure out what it is. I was proud of myself today, I could mostly follow the news on radio
@zrlram Thanks :) I've been here 7yr after all, I should understand it much better, that's the prob of working in an english-speaking bubble
There really is a web page for everything: via @pjnet
@mattgemmell Sure it can - either party can enable video or not
@DVDQuotes Terminator!
@AmyJane Indeed. I've always wondered how (and most importantly: why) people do that.
+1 to Aaron Hillegass for Knight Rider reference in his Cocoa Programming book
WILTAC #3: NSZombieEnabled
Just received the 4GB RAM I ordered for my MBP - shutting down to install it
- - Maxed out!
@fraserspeirs Looks useful - please let us know how well it works
Wow. Weekly review finished in a record 30 minutes. The advantages of actually having done another one last week.
@mattgemmell Is there a channel for you to ask what's up?
@pilky 403 Forbidden
Trying to reset a warning light, I accidentally reset my whole devel server. Oops. Luckily I'm the only one using it :-)
I have now on my VMware ESX server: 2xRHEL, Ubuntu, OpenSolaris, WinXP and BillyGoat (custom Linux 2.4 distro from an old project)
It's been a very productive day coding-wise. Going home early.
@quine I never understand why ppl do that. Also kids barefoot on public places. I guess what doesn't kill them makes them stronger...
Just saw the new MBP at the Apple store in Zurich. Sweet, looks and feels very nice.
Reading about microformats. My new pet project: a wordpress plugins that posts your LibraryThing reviews to a WP blog
@adhm What'd you get?
It gives me a headache when people regularly write "cause" instead of "because", even in a serious text. Example:
Had a very productive morning. The trick? No email, no Twitter, no IM before lunch.
@adhm Nice. I bet the Mini would make a nice media center ;-)
@mroesch Congratulations on your new baby girl!
Links: ADC—Developing Cocoa Applications Using MacRuby
Sad but true:
@codinghorror Not anymore - it seems Twitter has closed the loophole. You now get a "you cannot DM non-followers" error message.
How to trick an RHEL5 client install to use server RPMs
Too much reading Linux kernel source code. Time for coffee.
I see a lot of tweets about voting today. Pardon my ignorance: you can vote early in the U.S., instead of on Nov. 4th?
@girlinblack I think it's OK on Twitter, but I would definitely not tolerate it in a classroom (if I'm the one teaching the class)
@chrisjager @catalyst Thanks for the replies
Aaaaand there went my day. Going home. It's raining and I biked to work. Ugh.
It's funny there's not built-in way in Linux to map from syscall number -> syscall name
@catshive I use launchd to restart QS automatically - useful for when it crashes too:
Grrrrr. Off-by-one error cost me an hour trying to figure out what was wrong with my code.
Hm... coffee
D/L SLES10 for testing is taking forever. I could use our local mirror, but I don't have read perms and the sysadmin is nowhere to be found.
Wow - the U.S. wakes up and it gets harder to keep up with all the tweets. Syrinx' pause FTW
@zefrank Game works well, but the URL received when sharing took me to the start page instead of that game
@funkatron Hey! What did I do to you?
@AmberBaldet Great video! :-) Thanks @innismir for the link
@njames Oh wow. There goes my family name.
@lulugirl896 Happy birthday to him!
Links: Idiosyncratic Routine - My baby niece bring tha Jedi skillz.
"The worst part was hitting the ground - not the feeling so much as the sound" - this line always makes me cringe (Barenaked Ladies)
@XabbuTardis Welcome to Twitter - have fun!
Comparing car insurance companies... blegh
I'm addicted to LibraryThing.
@XabbuTardis Not yet - I'm still under the "200 books for free" limit. But I'm sure sooner or later I'm going to break it
Wow - SLES10 download _finally_ done
@XabbuTardis My LT library:
@XabbuTardis You can never have too many books :-)
Installing Xcode 3.1.1 + burning a DVD + copying DVD image over net + iTunes+all my regular apps = machine still usable! Extra memory rocks.
Do I need coffee to get back into C & Linux-kernel-hacking mode? Yes I do.
Installing SLES10 on a brand-new VM in my ESX server
VMware Fusion is actually usable now on my machine. Extra memory rocks.
Lazy twitter: My Spaces-switching, Expose and QS keys stopped working. What do I need to restart?
@datenkeller Tried that - didn't work
@SifuMoraga That's pretty drastic :-)
Weird - the culprit was @VMwareFusion. I switched to the VMF window and back out, and my kb shortcuts came back.
@zrlram Congrats on the good reviews on Amazon! Bejtlich gave you 5 stars, that's quite an accomplishment.
@BadAstronomer (and everyone, actually) This is priceless. "With the whole light-years thing"
@BadAstronomer Indeed, no context. But I could believe she was actually being serious.
@twitter I get a "That page doesn't exist!" error when trying to send a request for protected updates. Happening in the last few days.
@brainix Wow - scary, that forum
@vkoser not much of a power user, is he?
It's snowing! But but but... it's not even November yet!
Wow, it's REALLY snowing
Back from picking up my daughter from daycare. It's cold outside, time for some tea to warm myself up
In all my years of coding using Emacs, I had never discovered M-/ for code completion. Wow.
I'm still having some KPs, and other random crashes (e.g. Mail). Thinking of doing a clean reinstall.