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Tweets for 2008-07

  1. Backing up before 10.5.4. Normally I wouldn't worry too much, but I have too many pictures from the last few days to risk anything
  2. Installing 10.5.4. For those wondering - I do regular backups, but with so many new baby pictures, I wanted to have everything up to date
  3. Preparing to go home (with baby) tomorrow!
  4. Rare (even more so now) moment of quiet while the whole family takes a nap
  5. Completely failing to keep up with my Twitter feed
  6. I have to take the plane to Paris in 7 hours. And before that pack, go grocery shopping and get to the airport.
  7. Me, panic?
  8. Just landed in paris
  9. …in reply to @undefined
    @KGranson Don't even get me started on them "tubing" the big fountain at Purdue. It was so much fun before!
  10. I'm finally at the hotel in Paris, my home for two days. Internet access? EUR17 for 24 hours (clock hours, not access hours). Wow.
  11. The cable I thought was the European power plug (different from the Swiss one) wasn't.
  12. Luckily, I could fit the cable from my room TV into my Mac's power brick. Also helps with distractions: it's either the Mac or the TV
  13. Finishing my opening talk for DIMVA for tomorrow
  14. Quicksilver is eating 220MB of memory - that's more than Keynote! I think I have to trim my catalog
  15. …in reply to @undefined
    @vkoser There's an Apple store in West Lafayette?
  16. …in reply to @undefined
    @vkoser So did you decide for an iPhone in the end?
  17. On a boat deck, looking at the Eiffel tower lighted in blue
  18. http://twitpic.com/3h9z - @vkoser Here you go
  19. All this twetting about iPhone apps is making me jealous. I want one.
  20. Links: 5 Things Hollywood Thinks Computers Can Do | Cracked.com http://tinyurl.com/5cu8j8
  21. Flight to zurich delayed. Gate change. Second time through security. Ugh.
  22. …in reply to @CorneliusBomba
    @Phil801 Thanks for the link to Dr. Horrible. Cool!
  23. Back to work after paternity leave. Welcome to the real world.
  24. …in reply to @undefined
    @vkoser I _was_ wondering what a shower train was...
  25. Filing my expense report from trip to Paris last week. I hate filing expense reports.
  26. Old highschool friend trying to convince me to join an multi-level marketing scheme. How do people get sucked into these things?
  27. …in reply to @funkatron
    @funkatron This is silly, but only now I realized who you are IRL and that you work at CERIAS. Duh. I only knew you as the author of Spaz.
  28. …in reply to @funkatron
    @funkatron Since when are you at CERIAS? I graduated in 2001. I'm not sure if we met, although we've been in email contact a few times.
  29. I've seen tweets about the new twitter interface, but I'm still seeing the new one - with tabs and everything. Not everyone gets it?
  30. Watching Sir Ken Robinson talk about imagination: http://tinyurl.com/5nhpr3
  31. Watching Dr. Horrible Episodes II and III
  32. Just made a new release of grabcartoons: http://tinyurl.com/5h9n8c
  33. Doing some system update/cleanup with the help of AppFresh
  34. …in reply to @undefined
    @fraserspeirs Go go go :-)
  35. …in reply to @undefined
    @fraserspeirs Not sure if this would help, but it looks cool: http://explore.twitter.com/blocks/
  36. A friend just came by to give me a bottle of Dom Perignon as a gift for Fabiola's birth. Wow.
  37. I'm trying out the "Blog This" feature in my SE K800i. Seems nice for putting together a photo blog: http://tinyurl.com/5hnohk
  38. I have an old PC disk that takes HOURS to boot (into Fedora Core 4 with Xen) but once it boots, seems to work normally. Any ideas why?
  39. A colleague spotted I had entered the wrong month in Fabiola's birth-announcement cards. Happily, I had only printed 3 so far.
  40. …in reply to @undefined
    @vkoser Why? What happens today?
  41. Preparing camera-ready version of AIsec paper
  42. Lazy twitter: anyone knows of an OSX PDF viewer that can automatically reload-on-change, or that at least has a "reload file" command?
  43. I can't seem to get either Skim nor AcroReader to do it
  44. Making a raw image of a disk is faster over the network than over USB to an external disk (old machine, I think it's USB1).
  45. …in reply to @macdevnet
    @macdevnet Give us a photo!
  46. …in reply to @macdevnet
    @macdevnet I just signed
  47. Proofreading AIsec paper
  48. I never before realized I had a printer namesake: @ZamboniPrinter
  49. Are you pondering what I'm pondering?
  50. 35 out of 40GB transferred
  51. …in reply to @ikawnoclast
    @ikawnoclast Bonus points if you did the swapping without unplugging them first
  52. Oh how I love portrait mode on my external monitor
  53. …in reply to @ikawnoclast
    @ikawnoclast OK, bonus for the darkness part. Now go find coffee. I'm on my 3rd big cup of the day already.
  54. dd-over-the-network of a 40GB disk done. It just took ~5 hours
  55. I have started to collect test machines under my desk again. Rewiring my old keyboard/monitor switch to my monitor's second input
  56. In the words of an old Usenix sticker: It's dirty work, but someone told me I had to do it
  57. Finishing the day by answering work email - I really should just rest for a bit
  58. Going to sleep now. Good night and good weekend everyone.
  59. Watching "Tarantino's mind": http://tinyurl.com/6dd5kh
  60. Watching a "Spongebob Squarepants" DVD with my daughter
  61. Tired.
  62. Upgrading my blog to wordpress 2.6. Really shouldn't do that in combination with my previous tweet.
  63. What does the little "2" bubble on the "Plugins" tab mean in WP2.6? It's not plugins with pending upgrades...
  64. Despite my tiredness, upgrade seems to have gone well. I should go to be now before I do break something.