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Tweets for 2008-05

  1. …in reply to @undefined
    @vkoser I disagree, I think it's stupid. See my posted comment for my suggestion.
  2. Trying to figure out the best way to lay an audio cable across the living room to the last remaining speaker.
  3. Does anyone have experience with transmitting audio over household power lines? That would cut down on the cabling significantly.
  4. …in reply to @undefined
    @vkoser Sadly, no carpet.
  5. …in reply to @bauxring
    @bauxring A Sonos is in plan for some future time, but at the moment the budget dictates we should use current system as much as possible :)
  6. Being a Mexican and having lived in the U.S., I can tell you these are very accurate: http://tinyurl.com/66923m
  7. Unbelievable: http://tinyurl.com/5a7fjo
  8. Only three RAID reviews remaining, and for a change, I'm way ahead of schedule!
  9. Busy week next week: DIMVA proceedings, RAID reviews, guest lecture @ETH, several important meetings, oh my.
  10. TextMate + TeXSLMate (http://tinyurl.com/2q7glt) makes it easier to develop & debug XSL transformations
  11. XSL has left my brain tired. Happily, it's time to go home.
  12. …in reply to @undefined
    @vkoser Akismet does a relatively good job of stopping trackback spam as well
  13. Using my iWork'08 trial to prepare a 2-hour guest lecture on virtualization for ETH. Gives me a good chance to see if it's worth buying.
  14. Juggling calendar entries in iCal to find a good arrangement for the DIMVA'08 program
  15. XML+XSL+AppleScript = automated creation of the iCal events for the talks
  16. Anyone knows a good program for pretty-printing .ics entries? It'd be nice to automatically print a conf program from the generated entries
  17. This makes me proud: http://tinyurl.com/44a6tr - I studied there, and was there when the change from COAST to CERIAS took place.
  18. Now that we have a program in the order it should be, I can start assembling the DIMVA proceedings
  19. I just spent 30 minutes traveling through space with Celestia (http://tinyurl.com/b8aqk). Very nifty!
  20. Grrr... twice already Numbers locked up my machine when trying to select a large area. Back to Excel for now, I guess...
  21. Just finished putting together the DIMVA proceedings to send to Springer. Off to bed.
  22. DIMVA proceedings - almost there! (missing one file from one author)
  23. …in reply to @culturedcode
    @culturedcode Great news! I'm really looking forward to trying out the new sync engine
  24. Transferring the tar file with the DIMVA proceedings. Finally done!
  25. …in reply to @undefined
    @vkoser Try Witch, lets you set kbd shortcuts for window ops and to tab-switch between windows and not only apps: http://tinyurl.com/36kvsg
  26. DIMVA proceedings done, now I have to finish that guest lecture for tomorrow at ETH
  27. About to dial into a conf call to the U.S. - 11:15PM my time
  28. Got up today at 5AM, worked on lecture slides all morning, delivered lecture, finally relaxing a bit at home
  29. What a fantastic weekend. Yesterday to the pool with the family, today a nice walk and a grill outside. And tomorrow is a holiday!
  30. Just finished another RAID review. Two to go, and the deadline is today... and I was doing so well :-(
  31. Nice weather today, so off to have lunch and then finish reading RAID papers outside
  32. Fixed IImage Gallery plugin after update to WP 2.5, and wrote about it: http://tinyurl.com/4c4n6n
  33. …in reply to @undefined
    @fraserspeirs You weren't so much off the mark with that URL: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/
  34. Reading and trying to make sense of a CDA document - legalspeak can be so confusing.
  35. In the park with my daughter. Beautiful day outside.
  36. Is the Vienna RSS reader (Mac) dead? I used it some time ago, but now its web site seems to be down.
  37. Oh... I found it. Funny that the "Vienna web site" menu item in the program itself takes you to a wrong URL
  38. Checking out http://tinyurl.com/6fgesp - quite impressive
  39. I was completely uninspired to tweet about anything today. Going home now.
  40. …in reply to @raffaelmarty
    @zrlram Reading Chapter 6 now
  41. It seems the iPhone is finally coming (officially) to Switzerland: http://tinyurl.com/5m86uy Thanks @gruber for the link.
  42. Back from the museum with my daughter - great place for a rainy afternoon, she loves it
  43. …in reply to @rands
    @rands Side to the door - social, yet not so distractable (you can choose to ignore people by focusing on your screen)
  44. Back from a patent disclosure evaluation meeting... more work to do
  45. Installing Fedora Core 9 on a test machine. The last FC I used was FC 1!
  46. Finished all my RAID reviews. Now on to review one more patent draft. Need coffee first.
  47. The author of the mysterious Fermi Lab letter must be having so much fun reading all the speculation - http://tinyurl.com/6d3xke
  48. …in reply to @raffaelmarty
    @zrlram Finished reading Chapter 6
  49. …in reply to @undefined
    @vkoser I guess it depends on the software you use. I have not spent much money on SW, I am very selective about what I buy
  50. …in reply to @raffaelmarty
    @zrlram Done and sent
  51. Done for the day (1:43 AM!) - going to bed.
  52. I'm reviving my old first-gen G4 Mac as a guestroom/game machine (I don't play very ambitious game, actually none at all at the moment)
  53. I spent all day yesterday organizing the cellar - now the floor is visible again, and I have a good inventory of each box
  54. I had Linux installed on this old Mac, and getting rid of the yaboot bootloader has been harder than I expected
  55. …in reply to @undefined
    @fraserspeirs Safari Prefs -> Tabs -> "Confirm when closing multiple pages" is what you need.
  56. WHEN TWITTER IS DOWN http://tinyurl.com/53p4wj
  57. It's "IT junk collection week" at work. I just put outside my office a big pile of old machines, keyboards, cables, CDs and whatnot
  58. …in reply to @culturedcode
    @culturedcode Very nice - so far I haven't had any problems with the sync feature
  59. Giving twhirl a try - it seems nice, but I'm also getting the "limit exceeded" error much more frequently than with Twitterrific
  60. I could not get Twitter Tools to post from my blog, and I'm too lazy to debug it - trying twitterfeed.com now
  61. New blog post: Things gets synchronization abilities http://tinyurl.com/6z5b3d
  62. Just upgraded to MacOS 10.5.3 - went smoothly, my machine rebooted twice after the install
  63. Neither Twhirl nor Spaz allow running more than one copy on the same machine, even on different accounts. Bummer.
  64. Just pledged to download Firefox 3 when it is released: http://tinyurl.com/5v6p4h
  65. After trying Spaz and Twhirl, I'm back on Twitterrific. It seems the most reliable of the three
  66. Preparing slides and material for a meeting on Monday - which I am only attending remotely
  67. The 10.5.3 update finally fixed the annoying flickering on my external monitor when in portrait mode when using any CoverFlow view
  68. I had reported the problem to Apple, and they even followed up on it to check if it had been fixed - nice
  69. …in reply to @undefined
    @KGranson Thanks for the pointer to thesixtyone.com - nice site
  70. Done with making slides - going home early for the weekend!