zzamboni’s avatarzzamboni’s Twitter Archive

Tweets for 2008-04

  1. Giving Twitter another try. I have found a few people to follow, let's see if this makes it more interesting.
  2. Trying twitter from my mobile phone
  3. Posting from Twidget (http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/26545). Seems nice.
  4. Another Twitter widget: Twitterlex (http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/23989). This one also displays your twitter feed, which is nice.
  5. And now trying TwitterPost (http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/23656). Decisions, decisions.
  6. Trying out MoodBlast
  7. OK, enough tinkering, back to work.
  8. At the moment I have both Twiterrific and Spaz open - which one will stay?
  9. Oops - I'm getting "exceeded 70 requests per hour" errors from Twitter. I think I've been trying too many different clients...
  10. We now have two keynote speakers for DIMVA! They are both well-known security experts, and will be announced shortly: http://dimva2008.org/
  11. …in reply to @raffaelmarty
    @zrlram I just got Chapter 1. Bwahahahaha
  12. Starting to read reviews for RAID - 0 down, 9 to go
  13. …in reply to @raffaelmarty
    @zrlram I had assumed it would be in full color! Many of the figures wouldn't make sense otherwise.
  14. Writing RAID reviews: 1 down, 8 to go
  15. …in reply to @raffaelmarty
    @zrlram Lucky you, maybe I should have rejected some as well
  16. finished some fixes on grabcartoons - a good way to decompress after reading intrusion detection papers. Off to bed now.
  17. …in reply to @raffaelmarty
    @zrlram I was going to flat-out rewrite some of you code, but thought it better for you to get the practice ;-)
  18. …in reply to @raffaelmarty
    @zrlram And I think it's important to highlight both the good and what could be improved
  19. didn't have a good night - only about 2.5 hours of sleep
  20. I like MoodBlast - I have actually started updating my Facebook status thanks to it
  21. I need to get more europeans on my twitter feed, otherwise mornings are awfully quiet
  22. …in reply to @undefined
    @vkoser Hey Vince, long time no see! Hope things are well on your side of the world
  23. Trying to get through my GTD weekly review - I get easily distracted. Twitter doesn't help...
  24. Just reading about evernote - sounds interesting. I signed up for an invitation
  25. Nice idea: http://tinyurl.com/yopchm
  26. RAID reviews: 2 down, 7 to go. Taking them one per day, I should finish on time.
  27. …in reply to @culturedcode
    @culturedcode Good luck with the exam, Werner! Do you have to write/defend a thesis?
  28. One night she can't sleep, and you're cranky all day. Then she welcomes you yelling "daddy!" and clinging to your neck, life is great again
  29. Just got my EverNote invitation, will be trying it out shortly
  30. …in reply to @undefined
    @vkoser New toys!
  31. Fantastic weather during the weekend (all of last week was raining), today it was the zoo in the morning, fixing the garden in the afternoon
  32. Reviewing more RAID papers
  33. One more RAID review done
  34. Trying to access a CVS repository after using subversion for so long now. Painful...
  35. putting together some advertising materials for DIMVA, wrestling with MS Word
  36. Reviewing a patent application. This one is not so bad, in terms of the obscurity of patentspeak
  37. XenFire CD boots well on VMware Fusion - gotta play with it more
  38. …in reply to @undefined
    @vkoser Forward-delete: fn-delete (or get yourself an external keyboard). Tab change in Adium: Apple-{ or Apple-} (works in Safari too)
  39. Managed to get sucked into email before starting my daily RAID review, and have lost an hour in the process. I have to pry myself away now.
  40. RAID review tally: 4 down, 5 to go. It's been a pretty good batch so far. Or maybe I'm becoming mellow as I age.
  41. Putting together camera-ready of the DIMVA proceedings. Getting there...
  42. …in reply to @raffaelmarty
    @zrlram you normally have to pay to get a ticket ;-) but seriously, hope you make your flight
  43. Done with preliminary split of DIMVA program into sessions, and putting it all in an XML file for further processing.
  44. …in reply to @raffaelmarty
    @zrlram Typing my review of Chapter 1
  45. Just saw my 7-month nephew for the first time ever on Skype
  46. One more RAID review done. It has been a pretty decent pile so far.
  47. …in reply to @undefined
    @fraserspeirs I have found that disabling "auto-swoosh" increases usability of Spaces for me: http://tinyurl.com/2me3oq
  48. All camera-ready DIMVA submissions are in, finally!
  49. …in reply to @raffaelmarty
    @zrlram Review of Chapter 1 complete and sent (since last night, actually)
  50. We had beautiful weather this morning, and now its pouring down. So much for a nice after-work walk.
  51. Holiday tomorrow!
  52. Watching the Spongebob Squarepants movie with my daughter