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Curriculum Vitae -- Diego Zamboni
November 2003

Personal information   (top)

Diego Zamboni
Etzelstrasse 33,
CH-8820 Wädenswil,

Daytime phone: +41-1-724-8687
Personal phone: +41-1-(0)76-370-7969

Research interests and activities   (top)

General areas of interest:

Intrusion detection, operating systems security, network security.

Sample research projects at IBM:

Billy Goat:
An active worm-detection tool.
Host-based, behavior-based intrusion detection using sequences of system calls.
Living laboratory:
Environment for deployment and testing of intrusion detection systems in a real production network.

Ph.D. thesis research:

Utilization of internal sensors and embedded detectors for intrusion detection.

Other projects:
Using autonomous agents for intrusion detection.

Analysis of a denial-of-service attack on TCP/IP (Synkill)

Educational background   (top)

Ph.D. in Computer Science:
August 2001.
Purdue University, Department of Computer Sciences.
Thesis title: Using Internal Sensors for Computer Intrusion Detection (PDF).
Advisor: Eugene H. Spafford.
M.S. in Computer Science:
May 1998.
Purdue University, Department of Computer Sciences.
Advisor: Eugene H. Spafford.
B.S. in Computer Engineering:
July 1995.
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
Thesis title: Proyecto UNAM/Cray de Seguridad en el Sistema Operativo Unix (PDF, in Spanish) (UNAM/Cray project for security in the Unix operating system).

Work experience   (top)

October 2001 to date:
Research staff member at the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, as part of the GSAL (Global Security Analysis Laboratory) group.

June 1999:
Temporary work at Internet Security Advisory Group

May-August 1997:
Internship at Sun Microsystems.

August 1995-August 1996:
Head of Computer Security Area
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

November 1991-August 1995:
Systems Administrator
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

Teaching experience   (top)

November 2000:
Invited lecturer in the EE495 (Information Extraction, Retrieval and Security) course at Purdue University. Collaborated in the design of eight security-related lectures and taught two of them. Participated in the design of the class project.

September 2000:
Invited lecturer in the CS590T (Software tools) course at Purdue University. Taught one lecture about Perl programming.

June 2000:
Taught the class ``Secure Shell: Achieving secure communication over insecure channels'' at the 2000 CSI NetSec conference.

September 1999:
Taught the informal short class ``Using CVS'' at the Computer Sciences department at Purdue University.

June 1999:
Taught the class ``Installing and using AAFID'' at the 1999 CSI NetSec conference.

April 1997:
Taught the class ``Protecting your computing system'' at Schlumberger in Austin, TX.

Participated in the design and teaching of the syllabus, structure and contents of courses taught at the Supercomputing Department Internship Program at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Courses were 10-40 hours long, and included the following topics:

Taught the Structured Programming class at the Engineering School of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. This was a one-semester first-year college class, covering primarily C language programming.

Awards and honors   (top)

July 2001:
Received the first ``Josef Raviv Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship'' awarded by IBM.

April 2001:
Inducted as a member of the Purdue University Chapter of Phi Beta Delta, the honor society dedicated to recognizing scholarly achievement in international education.
September 2000:
Received the ``2000 UPE Microsoft Scholarship Award,''
awarded by Upsilon Pi Epsilon, the Computer Sciences honor society, on the basis of academic record, extra-curricular activities, and advisor recommendation.
April 1998:
Inducted as a member to the Purdue University chapter of Upsilon Pi Epsilon.
May 1996:
Received the Fulbright Scholarship for pursuing Ph.D. studies at Purdue University.
Member of the Outstanding Students program at the Engineering School in the National Autonomous University of Mexico, designed to recognize students on the basis of grade point average.

Service activities   (top)

Member of the Program Committee for the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) in 2003.
Member of the Program Committee for the International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID) in 2001-2003.
Founded, the Purdue Perl Users Group, as a chapter of the Perl Mongers organization.
President of the Purdue University Chapter of Upsilon Pi Epsilon.
Secretary of the Purdue University Chapter of Upsilon Pi Epsilon.
Member of the Program Committee for the International Computer Security Day conference, organized yearly at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
1994, 1995:
Organizer of the International Computer Security Day conference.

Software development   (top)

This list includes only major publicly-available projects.

Development of mailer, an email alias and list manager, for use at CERIAS (Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security) in Purdue University.

Development of the AAFID2 prototype, based on the AAFID intrusion detection architecture developed at CERIAS, in Purdue University.

Publications   (top)


Editorial activities:

Refereed papers:

Presentations at conferences and workshops:

Technical reports:

Invited talks:


Other publications:

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