2002-04-08 Diego Zamboni * AppInfo.xml: Renamed AppMenu to AppInfo.xml, to comply with the newest versions of Rox-Filer. AppInfo.xml. Change suggested almost simultaneously by Renato Ramonda and K.M. Klingsporn. 2001-02-08 Diego Zamboni * AppRun: Made it use link instead of symlink to set AppIcon.xpm, because the latest version of ROX-Filer disallows AppIcons to be symlinks. Now that AppMenus are a standard part of ROX-Filer, I have disabled by default the generation of an "Empty trashcan" script whenever there is something in the trashcan. It can be reenabled by setting $UseEmptyProgram to 1 in the configuration section. 2001-01-13 Diego Zamboni * AppRun: Made it strip the hostname from the beginning of the filenames if it is included. For now we just assume all the files are local. 2001-01-10 Diego Zamboni * AppRun: Added a configuration hash for icons, where they can be accessed by name (%TrashIcons). Modularized things a little more, adding subroutines set_icon(), flip_icons(), roxupdate() and roxupdate_cmd(). (empty_trash): Added an experimental feature for periodically (every 5 seconds by default) blinking the trash icon while it is being emptied. This allows the user to see that something is going on for operations that take too long. This mechanism for now uses signals, so it may not work correctly or produce weird behavior sometimes, because I'm not being particularly careful about the signals. For this reason this feature is disabled by default (controlled by the $BlinkTrashcan variable). Using signals is not really necessary, but is more convenient for now because I'm using File::Path to remove the trash directory, and it has no way of periodically calling a subroutine. Made it try the mv command if File::Copy::move fails. That subroutine does not handle cross-filesystem moves, whereas the mv command usually does. The icon blinking also happens while moving files to the trashcan, in case that operation takes long. 2000-12-28 Diego Zamboni * Version 0.2 * AppRun: Made it use the -x option instead of -i and -W. Also made the trashcan directory by default be $AppRun/Trashcan instead of $HOME/.trashcan.