Musings about technology and other neat stuff

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Faster version of “Clean downloads stack”

December 10th, 2008 · No Comments

For some time I have been using this technique (with the variation mentioned in my comment: use the application also as the stack overlay icon) to clean my Downloads stack in the OSX dock. The only problem with using an Automator app is that it is quite slow, so I have replaced it with a [...]


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Easy video conversion in Mac OS X

October 10th, 2008 · No Comments

After a lot of searching (and trying iMovie) for how to convert an AVI video file to flash (.flv) format, I found ffmpegX, a nice tool that does all the hard work, invoking other tools in the backend as needed.
Posted by email from zzamboni’s posterous


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PocketModMac: MacOSX PocketMod Generator Via Print Dialog – A cool way of printing in PocketMod format from any MacOSX application (tags: pocketmod macosx tools productivity printing )

Big Nerd Ranch Weblog PagePacker makes pocket-sized books – Little gem of an app to put anything into PocketMod format. Despite the warnings in the page, the downloadable version is not expired, and it works fine in Leopard. (tags: pocketmod productivity macosx tools howto )

Edmodo – Microblogging For Education – Possibly useful Twitter-like platform with features specifically geared toward education, like groups, assignments and events. Longer review here: (tags: networking education microblogging tools collaboration )

Password Assistant | codepoetry – For some time I've thought it would be nice to be able to invoke the Password Assistant from the OSX Accounts preference pane on its own, since it is very nice to generate pronounceable passwords. Alas, it seems I was not the only one, someone did it alre (tags: cocoa cool hack macosx password security tools )

XML Alternatives – Interesting list of data formats that can be used instead of XML (tags: markup programming tools xml )

tms [fernLightning] – Very cool command-line utility to explore Time Machine backups (tags: leopard macosx timemachine tools )

Prune Your Time Machine Backups Selectively – Nice pointer to a new version of GrandPerspective that properly displays usage in a Time Machine backup disk (tags: macosx timemachine tips tools )

Year of the Killer Task Management App: Wrap Up | View from the Dock – A series of excellent, detailed reviews of GTD apps for the Mac, including iGTD, OmniFocus, Midnight Inbox and Things. I agree with Troy's veredict about the best one being Things. (tags: gtd mac productivity reviews software tools )