Comments on: BoliMonitor, a contraction-monitoring program Musings about technology and other neat stuff Tue, 29 Sep 2009 21:48:06 +0200 hourly 1 By: Tony Tony Mon, 04 Sep 2006 02:31:50 +0000 Great program. It's been very helpful this evening (my wife is in labour). If I could only make one suggestion, the contraction interval time should be measured from start to start (ie: from the start of a contraction, to the start of the next contraction). Of course, the ability to export data would also be nice, but I'm sure that would require much more work. Thanks, Tony Great program. It’s been very helpful this evening (my wife is in labour). If I could only make one suggestion, the contraction interval time should be measured from start to start (ie: from the start of a contraction, to the start of the next contraction). Of course, the ability to export data would also be nice, but I’m sure that would require much more work.

